Saturday 3 March 2007

Hasta luego Antigua

it´s time to go, to move on and get out of this town. The first five weeks of my travelling have merely been ground work, gentle stretching before setting out to travel properly. 3 weeks of doing a Spanish course and now I know how to say someone committed suicide, hopefully never useful. Today I move on to San Pedro De Laguna, the first of many stops along the way. So I must say goodbye to this amiable little town. Goodbye to the 18 year old students you made the night life messy and sickly, so long to the dropout hippies who have been running from reality since the sixties, after to the broken down muses who drooled over poor Amir while ranting about how many orgasms they achieved in one day with a guy called Juan, adios to the bus loads of gringos who poked cameras at everything that looked ethnic, slan libh to Cafe No Se, Y Tu Piña Tambien and Reillys, the last Irish pub for months, these places provided much calm and fun and good people, goodbye to the muse, her following is large and interesting. And finally to the beauty and charm of this place, natural and in the tolerance of her people.
I´ve met good souls, but now I move on..................
Up Man U, the title is coming.


Anonymous said...

In those few sentences you've described Anitgua perfectly! I will miss it when I'm gone though.. kind of!!

Anonymous said...

Check it out Keith!! Happy days!!

Anonymous said...

4 de la mañana.

Alabim alabam alabim bom bam
alabim alabam alabim bom bam
obladi oblada obladi da da
alabim alabam alabim bom bam

Radio reloj, 5 de la mañana.
No todo lo que brilla es oro.
Remedio chino e infalible