Friday 13 July 2007

Civil Disobedience in Arequipa (And A Pigeon Tale)

.........for seven days now they have come and voiced their distrust of the Peruvian government. Clogging the arteries surrounding the Plaza De Armas, chanting solidarity songs, linking arms in the face of heavily armed riot police who stand with disinterest in the shelter of volcanic archways. Teachers, communists, children, city workers and civil servants. Passion bursts from their lungs as effigies burn and blacken the white buildings of this beautiful city. There have been reports of riots in the outer barrios as teenagers full of testosterone go too far and use the police for target practice. In the centre it is calm at night and safe. A bubble of touristy goodness. I am stuck here. Buses are not running and hotels are full with people yearning to leave. But this is being repeated all over Peru. It is possible a revolution is starting.,,,,,......
......sitting watching the protestors chant in a merry mood I was accosted by a family who sat beside me on a park bench. A picture of wholesome fun they began to feed the pigeons with a huge bag of grain bought from a jolly woman for 25 cent. Pigeons are not a shy creature and coupled with this they are extraordinarily stupid. The pigeons clambered on the family greedily pecking at the grain and emptying their excrement on them. I shifted uneasily on the bench and put my book into my bag when suddenly a ratty feathered fecker landed on my cabezza(head). I shudderred with disgust and the fiend fluttered of, as did I with one thing going through my brains, Pigeons are surprisingly heavy little things.......
Too much rum, too much rum, rum too much, only 2yos 30 for a bottle. DANGEROUS

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