Tuesday 16 January 2007

The Send off

I think I have figured out this blogging nonsense. Now for the main business of the day, there will be a party in my house on the 19th jan to say goodbye and chat about any issues you lot have with this sight. Jasper should be in attendance so he can fill you lot in.
Friday night will start in CARNAVAL. Not everyones cup of tea but we will be leaving there at aroung 11 and heading back to the gaff for some more drinling and Vinny on the decks. Come on we have to let him, he doesn't play with them much. Hope to see you all then.


Vincent said...

blah blah.. I'm so interesting with my big long holiday

Anonymous said...

your deadly

Anonymous said...

best of luck on your trip, watch out for the gringos!!!
be safe
fergal + elaine

Dan said...

testing one two three, tango delta, gammon steak.

This is my first time using a blog. Where's the dial button?
How come there's no dial tone?
This crazy modern technology!!
Is anyone actually there...Keith...can you read me....Spooky

Safe journey over amigo :)

jasper said...

Adios Keith! Remember Áine's words of wisdom - don't touch the Mexican hombres!

leighton said...

Keith enjoy your long holiday from me , Noel , Belinda and the kids and also Ma and Da.

Anonymous said...

thats right, dont invite your onliest couzin wot loves ye to your send off. I had to hear about it from me ma....well actually no I didnt but she keeps telling me you've gone away again....our ma's are still gossip queens.

My sister Eve is getting married in April, can you believe it? A cullen girl getting hitched. Madness I tells ya, madness.

Be good Keithy!