Wednesday 31 January 2007

Nueva entrada, lost in translation

After months of studying Spanish at home I was confident enough of getting by at least until Guatemala. Unfortunately those tapes have a flaw. They focus on a very distintive interaction between people. One which will go, Do you want to order, pause, reply, gracias. They dont factor in people are not pedictable like this. And Mexicans have a habit about talking about anything to get out of doing their jobs.
Mexico city ended on a bit of a session with two Danish lads and an aussie. We all met on a trip to the Guadalupe shrine and some feck off pyramids. The pyramids like all else in this country have amazing sychronicity. Sun and Moon temples, Water and Fire Gods, Extrememly Rich and Extrememly Poor people. Not much of an in between. They are definitely a site to behold and I might get a picture up. If the Danes and Aussie come through.
Just one thing her though to Vinny and Noirin, Mexico city does have a Metro with real live trains. I was on them and they are scary. Surrounded by the locals, knowing they know how uncomfortable you are.
In Oaxaca now. (wahaka) The hostel only has four guests and is quiet. Driving me so mad I got into a discussion with Victor ( a Mexican Anthropologist) about the state of Mexican politics. Political prisoner anyone?


Dan said...

Alright Keitho,

If you want the Mexicans to understand you just point to yourself and repeat the word 'grande cabeza'
I think it means 'really cool person with loads of mates'

I'd say the food is damn tasty.
Keep the blog rolling!!
Talk to ye soon amigo :)

Anonymous said...

So you didnt stick around in Mexico City for the big protest against the skyrocketing rise in the price of corn tortillas? Might have been an experience in itself.

be good cuz